How to Navigate Epiphany Fine Art
LOGIN: For the website to identify your permissions and credits always login when you first browse to Epiphany Fine Art. To login: Select the “Login” menu link at top right of the site and log into Epiphany Fine Art.

To ACCESS VIDEOS: Once you’ve logged in, select the “ALL VIDEOS” drop down menu. Select “ARTIST VIDEOS” from the drop down and then navigate to your teacher by clicking on their name. This will take you to your teacher’s home page, where you will find all of your teacher’s videos. At the top of your teacher’s page you will see a menu of links to the video sections on their page.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Each teacher offers Special Events as per their schedule. Simply select the Special Events link at the top of your teacher’s page to see a list of their special events, or check out all of Epiphany’s currently listed special events for all teachers by selecting the “Events” menu item at the top of every page. You will see a Non-Subscriber and Active Subscriber Discount registration button with each event. Instructions to attend Special Events are emailed out to you upon registration.

LIVE ON-SITE DEMOS: To access Live Demos that are hosted directly on Epiphany Fine Art select the “ALL VIDEOS” dropdown and click on “LIVE DEMOS“. A link to the live demo will be found here on the day of the event.
LIVE ZOOM DEMOS: The login information for ZOOM demos hosted by Epiphany Fine Art will be emailed to you on the day of the event. Please remember to check your SPAM folder if you do not see the email and to whitelist in your email program

FREE VIDEOS: All teachers have a couple videos in the “Free Videos” section of the site. You can get to Free Videos by clicking on the “ALL VIDEOS” link on the menu at the top of the page and selecting “FREE VIDEOS“ from the drop down.

PAY-PER-VIEW: To see the available pay-per-view videos for all artists select the “ALL VIDEOS” dropdown from the menu at the top of every page and then select “Pay-Per-View“. Scroll down to see the selection of available pay-per-view videos, or select a specific artist at the top of the page to scroll directly to their videos. Click on the “Click Here for Prices and to Rent Videos” link just under each artist’s name to see the prices for the individual videos and to rent them.

WATCH PAY-PER-VIEW VIDEOS: To watch pay-per-view videos, first login to Epiphany Fine Art by selecting the “Login” menu item at the top of every page and once logged in simply navigate to the video you rented on the Pay-Per-View page and click on the video to watch it
PRICING: Click on the “Pricing” menu item at the top of every page to review our pricing model and to register to follow any artist or to rent a pay-per-view video

REGISTRATION: To register to follow any artist: If you have ever registered with Epiphany Fine Art in the past FIRST select “LOGIN“ from the top menu and log in to the site. SECOND: select “Pricing” from the top menu to go to the Pricing page. Once on the pricing page select a pricing tier to go to the Subscription Page. Select the artist you wish to sign up to follow. You will be presented with a list of options to register for that artist (ex. Silver, Gold, Gold Annual). Select the “Sign Up” link for an option to be taken to the registration page. If you already have registered with Epiphany in the past and have logged in to the site, the registration page will be prefilled out with your information. Simply complete payment and click on the “Sign Up Now” button at the bottom of the page to complete your registration. Upon successful registration you will receive an email acknowledging your registration and providing subscription specific information if needed. If you don’t see the email from Epiphany Fine Art, please check your SPAM folder to make sure it didn’t go there. To avoid our email going into SPAM, please whitelist in your email program. If you still don’t see an acknowledgment email from Epiphany please reach out to us on the Contact Us page of the site. NOTE: You can also click on the “Subscribe Now” button on each artist’s page to start this registration process.

To UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE a SUBSCRIPTION: Detailed instructions on how to upgrade or downgrade a subscription can be found on the FAQ page
OUR ARTISTS: Select the “Our Artists” link at the top menu to find out more about our artists and check out their videos before you subscribe. Don’t forget to check out their free videos as well.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: If you get lost, many questions are answered on our FAQ page under the “FAQ” link at the top of every page

CONTACT US: Lastly, if you need help, you can always contact us through the contact form at the “About/Contact” us link at the top of every page