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Are you driven nuts trying to get good photos of your paintings? Spending lots of money for someone else to do it for you? In this video I go over a simple, inexpensive setup and how-to instructions on how you can photograph your own paintings
The basic construction of a tree is discussed from the trunk to the envelope of smaller branches
Everyone wants to know how to do skyholes. In this video I show you how to paint different types of skyholes, and also discuss why they appear the way they do.
Welcome to my Epiphany Fine Art page. Let's take a tour of my studio.
Let's take a tour through my studio
Join master artists Kathy Anderson, Julia S. Powell, and Jeanne Rosier Smith for a roundtable discussion on their lives as women artists, how they balance the pulls of life, family, while sustaining their creativity and business success.
In his last video Harvey drew a shadow pattern man's face. In this video he turns it into a woman's face while developing it further
In this video Harvey demonstrates how to develop a male face using a simple map of the planes of the face