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11 videos found
Hone your artistic perspective in order to take better photos, recognize strong compositions, and strengthen your work.
Develop a system to find what you're looking for more quickly and easily so you can get to painting!
Watch along as Jeanne paints a rocky coastline seascape in in Gloucester, Mass. Watch along as she combines planning and observation to make this challenging subject approachable.
City lights provide the magic and along with a darkening sky make everything evocative. Join Jeanne to learn how to create the glow when the sky goes dark and the lighting gets dramatic.
How do you choose a reference photo? This video helps you hone in on what to look for and how to decide.
Your reference photos may be better than you think. Here's how to find the compositional gems hiding in your references. (note: can be edited by Matt.)
Full of tips on drawing boats accurately, underpainting for clear shimmering water and creating reflections and that floating effect for your boats.
Full of tips on drawing boats accurately, underpainting for clear shimmering water and creating reflections and that floating effect for your boats.
To paint trees convincingly we need lots of great strategies. In this live demo Jeanne covers several different approaches to enlivening your trees, giving them movement, air, space, and shape without over describing every leaf.
A cool flowing waterfall comes together quickly on dark paper in this step by step demo
A cool flowing waterfall comes together quickly on dark paper in this step by step demo