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10 videos found
The first step is to break down your reference image into easily understood shapes and values, giving you the opportunity to learn the “language” of your potential painting.
Learning how to edit is a lifetime skill. The more practice you do, the stronger your compositions get. So how do you choose the best composition from a photo reference?
Check out this fail proof technique to scale up your image (without using math!). A good way to find the best cropping to fit on your paper.
This short demonstration shows the proper use of a viewfinder outdoors, and how it will help you find the best composition.
How you can use cropmarks to help get perspective right (even if you don’t know perspective).
A discussion of the differences in these two popular pastel painting surfaces. Plus, the best places to get paper and pastels.
What is underpainting? How does it work?
A discussion of how pastels are made, and what makes their colors standout.
This is important! This is the bedrock principle of how to paint with pastels. How to layer pastels of the same value but different hue to create vibrant paintings. Pastelists colormix to get the colors we want.
Pulling together all the Good Bones steps in the previous videos, Liz shows how they work together to provide a solid start to any representational painting.