SG-Silver Permanent

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Part of the magic of loose watercolor painting is that energy and emotion are created organically. Nothing on the page is static. The way to achieve that energy and emotion is to plan out all the painting details in advance of putting any paint on ...
This is an exercise I created to ‘warm up’ before starting to paint. It is a fun and creative way to explore shapes that emerge when I paint freely and without intention. There is no end to the number of times you can do this exercise. I often use it ...
Let’s start by discussing the materials I recommend for loose watercolor painting, including sketchbooks, paper, brushes, paint, and palettes.
Loose watercolor painting techniques are a little different from traditional watercolor painting techniques. In this video I demonstrate and explain five loose watercolor painting techniques I call ‘Paint Delivery Systems.’
In this video I show you how to paint a simple landscape, using the paint delivery systems and watercolor techniques discussed in the previous videos. I invite you to either watch and paint along or watch first and then paint your version. Or both!
How does a writer add drama and action to their storytelling? One way is by using verbs. Similarly, I use specific watercolor techniques to add action and drama to my paintings. I call these techniques the ‘verbs’ of loose watercolor painting. In ...